Chiropractic Care for Infants

When babies struggle with constipation, colic, poor sleep, poor latch, jerky movements, restriction in movements (usually at the neck and hips), or discomfort with certain positions (such as being in a car seat, laying on their back, or being picked up from under the arms), these are signs your baby’ should be assessed for an adjustment.

Since a baby’s nervous system responds instantly, most parents see positive changes within 24 hours.

Parents describe the experience as a laid back visit that looks more like play therapy. We get on the floor, crawl, play and analyze movements and developmentally appropriate skills. Care is tailored to the need of the visit. 

Chiropractic care for infants is gentle and effective. It is important to have your baby evaluated by a chiropractor to asses how they are moving and to check for any functional deficits. Birth can be very stressful for your baby’s nervous system. The nerves in the face and neck are especially at risk!