Reiki Me Up, Buttercup!
I slowly bent my wrist. No pain. I stretched my arm to a fully extended position for the first time in eight months. No pain. I gently touched it, no burning, no electric fire coursing through my nerves. I was again surprised that I had very little sensation when I touched my arm, like it really was asleep and I couldn’t feel anything. No sensation was better than eight months of nerve pain! I cried and asked if I could hug her and we embraced.
Trouble-Shooting Fertility!
If you or your partner have struggled to conceive, you’re not alone. About 25% of couples in the United States struggle with subfertility or infertility (Mol, 2018). For 12-15% of those couples, fertility issues occur without a diagnosable cause and can leave couples frustrated and wondering what to do. Fertility treatments and IVF can be expensive and are rarely covered by insurance. One couple I worked with was preparing for their 21st IVF procedure when they came to my office (that’s so many!). They had heard through the grapevine that chiropractic was a great way to keep your body in optimal health and they were hoping chiropractic would help them finally conceive. I explained that proper coordination and expression of the nervous system was imperative for a successful ovulation, but that it seemed these two needed more than just an adjustment. We stopped and discussed several things about their lifestyle that needed correcting before they proceed.
Webster Technique: To Pregnancy and Beyond!
As soon as I graduated, I signed up for my Webster’s Certification. I was blessed to receive instruction under Dr. Jeanne Ohm before her passing and I have never seen a more passionate person (besides Ina May Gaskin) when it comes to physiologic birth (A.K.A. natural labor without medical intervention). I remember thinking she was nuts when she told me she had all six children at home; no ultrasounds during pregnancy, no check ups, no fetal heart rate monitor, no drugs, no obstetrician. All 8 of her grandchildren were also natural home births. She walked the walk! She made sure she had regular adjustments and Webster technique while pregnant and she firmly believed that was all she needed.
Gaslighting During Childbirth: What Every Expecting Mother Should Look Out For!
When I have treated a woman through her pregnancy I am surprised if she comes back and says “My birth went nothing like I wanted it to! Everything went out of control and I feel like a failure as a parent already!” We immediately stop and have a discussion. “What happened to your birth plan? Did you have support during labor? What did the doctor say?”. Unfortunately, more often than not, the birth going sour had nothing to do with the mothers ability to give birth, the health or safety of the baby, or the health and safety of the mother. The failure occurred with the obstetricians ability to support their patient during birth while using fear tactics and medical gaslighting to have the outcome that the DOCTOR desires NOT THE PATIENT. Please read that twice.
You’re NOT Crazy: A look at Medical Gaslighting
The most important thing to always remember is that it is NEVER your fault or your job to insist upon proper treatment. While the insurance companies may restrict your options of who you can see within your plan, you can always seek out another doctor who will listen to you and treat you with respect. If your doctor doesn’t treat you like family, find a new one. If your doctor dismisses your concerns, if they won’t believe your symptoms, or they don’t seem interested in finding out how to treat or prevent your concerns, then find a new one. If your doctor is out of touch with current literature, diagnostic criteria, or treatments then find a new one! Your doctor is supposed to be someone who you trust, who you can come to comfortably with questions. Your doctor should always take you seriously and should always make you feel heard. While I cannot be your Primary Care Physician due to PA law, I will ALWAYS listen and respect what you are telling me about your body! If I do not, CALL ME OUT ON IT! HOLD ME RESPONSIBLE! I guarantee you that I will apologize profusely and correct my behavior, just as every doctor should. I will advocate for you to your other doctors and I have several physicians in the area who I can refer you to if you need a good doctor.
My Favorite Adjustment: The Sphenoid Special
So what is the sphenoid? It is a bone in the center of the skull that forms the base of the cranium and it adds strength and stability to the skull (Jamil, 2022). Everyone has a different shaped sphenoid and it is one of the most complex bones for anatomists to study (Costea, 2018). Your brain is nestled in this area and has a lot of important neurovascular structures that pass through the sphenoid. I tell my patients during their exam that I will be testing cranial nerves. These nerves are so important, they do NOT go through the spinal column, but instead exit the brain and innervate tissue directly. These nerves control basically all our organ function and our senses; sight and eye movements, smell, hearing, taste, swallowing and speech, as well as equilibrium.
The Adjustment That Shook Me
I never thought I would live again without debilitating migraines, shoulder pain, back pain, arm pain, hand pain, elbow pain, ankle pain, you name it. The list of traumas to my body was described to me as a “novel” by another chiropractor I started seeing a few months ago after a car accident. I was “pretty messed up”. Patients I work with are also surprised when I tell them that I have had a similar injury or experience as them because I look healthy. Looks can be deceiving and it took a lot of time, effort, and believing in my body’s ability to heal again before getting to this point.
The Science of Chiropractic
At Dr. Super’s House of Health, I have built my practice around evidence-based literature. This means our healing practices are supported by science and based on updated research, and my techniques are driven by empirical evidence as well as patient outcomes. My waiting room is filled with scientific literature, and my patients often come in and see me with textbooks spread out across the table: spinal mechanics manuals, techniques manuals, diagnostic manuals, and research articles I clip from magazines or print off the internet.
Why Philosophy is Important in Medicine:
As a chiropractor, I believe in the mind’s power and its ability to heal the body. My philosophy classes in school were based on these principles as well. Every clinical decision I make, every choice I present to my patient, the way I examine and talk to them, it's all dictated by this philosophy. It would be a disservice to them if I only focused on their issues, their pain, or their problems. I believe in giving the power to the patient. The power to heal, the power to grow, and the power to overcome. That’s why at Dr. Super’s House, I measure my success on how my patient is feeling, not how many patients I have seen, or how much money I made that month.
Medicine Comes From Nature, Maybe it’s onto Something?
By choosing chiropractic care, a person is choosing to honor themselves as a part of nature. They are choosing to honor their body and allow it to heal naturally. It forces you to experience your healing process and be a part of the solution, instead of allowing someone else to control your health and avoid the problem.
The Stigma Around Being a Chiropractor
It doesn’t matter that my profession is still facing repercussions from decades of illegal discrimination by other health care professionals. I am the one my patients trust with helping them on their healing journey