Tabetha Super Tabetha Super

The Science of Chiropractic

At Dr. Super’s House of Health, I have built my practice around evidence-based literature. This means our healing practices are supported by science and based on updated research, and my techniques are driven by empirical evidence as well as patient outcomes. My waiting room is filled with scientific literature, and my patients often come in and see me with textbooks spread out across the table: spinal mechanics manuals, techniques manuals, diagnostic manuals, and research articles I clip from magazines or print off the internet.

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Tabetha Super Tabetha Super

Medicine Comes From Nature, Maybe it’s onto Something?

By choosing chiropractic care, a person is choosing to honor themselves as a part of nature. They are choosing to honor their body and allow it to heal naturally. It forces you to experience your healing process and be a part of the solution, instead of allowing someone else to control your health and avoid the problem.

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Tabetha Super Tabetha Super

The Stigma Around Being a Chiropractor

It doesn’t matter that my profession is still facing repercussions from decades of illegal discrimination by other health care professionals. I am the one my patients trust with helping them on their healing journey

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