Any Child Can Be Adjusted At Any Age!

Chiropractic for Kids!

  • Infants

    Dr. Super is Webster Certified and has safely adjusted babies as young as 4 days old! Yes, chiropractic is safe for babies! Adjustment techniques are gentle and effective! Unfortunately, the birthing process is traumatic for little necks and spines which results in 80% of infants being born with an upper cervical dysfunction which effects their health and development. If untreated, these easily managed dysfunctions can snowball into significant issues as a teen or adult.

  • Toddlers to Preteens

    Seeing a chiropractor, just like a dentist, is a great way to ensure your child’s body develops properly. Regular visits not only promote proper health and development, but they have the added benefit of being preventative. Adjustments keep the nervous system in proper shape, which is important for fighting and preventing infections! It also helps with balance and coordination to prevent clumsy injuries. Chiropractic even encourages the body to heal faster when an injury does occur!

  • Teenagers, Sports and Physical Activities

    We all know the teenage years are awkward and difficult, but Chiropractic can actually help with that! Children, at any age, who are in sports should be seeing a chiropractor! Even non-contact sports and other activities can have a danger of injury! Dr. Super herself was a rugby player and very active child. She knows from experience how easily injuries can happen! Seeing a chiropractor can enhance balance, hand-eye coordination, and increase reaction time!